Alexis Paxton (Transformers Armada 1 and Energon 2)

Happy Birthday Mia Kihl (Swedish version)!!!

(This artwork picture was drawn by an unknow artist on Pixiv)

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cometdome..i mean chromedome [for energon-goodies on tumblr] :>

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Rodimus Cosplay (Transformers Energon 2)

Happy Halloween!!!

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Lord Megatron (Transformers Unicron Trilogy: Armada, Energon, Cybertron)

Happy Birthday David Kaye!!!

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Starscream King (Transformers Armada, Energon, Cybertron)

Happy Birthday Michael Dobson!!!

(These artwork pictures were drawn by , 俺 霸气钢锁 and an unknown artist with username "---" on Pixiv)

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You may be wondering why you haven't heard much from Genny lately, especially as we get closer to 2018. Unfortunately over the last year she’s got into the Synthetic and, well.... she's kinda refusing to do any real work.

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My human versions of Optimus and Orion pax, they're mostly based on tfp series for that reason the blue energon (sayin' just in case) and the idea came from the fic my cousin writes✨~

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Unicron Trilogy Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal (Transformers Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Beast Wars and Beast Machines)

Happy Birthday Garry Chalk and Happy Lunar New Year!!!

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Misha Miramond (Transformers Energon 2)

Happy Birthday Yukiko Tagami!!!

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Ironhide with Kicker Jones (Transformers Energon 2)

Happy Birthday Matt Hill!!!

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Kicker Jones and Minovika Raimes (Transformers Energon 2)

Happy Birthday Brad Swaile!!!

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Unicron Saga Megatron, Beast Wars 2 Galvatron with his younger brother Megastorm and Movie Megatron (Transformers Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Robots In Disguise, Beast Wars 2 and Movie 1: Megatron Return)

Happy New Year!!!

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Transformers Armada/Energon/Cybertron (トランスフォーマー マイクロン/スーパーリンク/ギャラクシーフォース)
Optimus Prime (コンボイ/アルマダコンボイ/グランドコンボイ/ギャラクシーコンボイ)

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Scorponok got his doll as a gift (Transformers Energon 2)

Merry Christmas!!!

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Megatron with the Super Energon Sun and Galvatron (Transformers Energon 2)

Happy Birthday Junichi Endō!!!

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Skyblast (Transformers Energon 2)

Happy Birthday Jin Yamanoi!!!

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Win 3x Soundwave or Blaster Crystals+Energon & Alloy Boosts! Just tell us, if they made music, what would their number one track be called?

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