My crossover project is coming along slowly but surely! I'm almost half way done with the illustrations! If you like and you should check out the full illustrations on my patreon!

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Working on commissions atm, but I needed to do a warm-up and, well, I did say I wanted to...

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sketch painting for color practice☺️
i wanted to draw from but i think i got lost kdsjflksjfsjdkl

3 19

It is finally d o n e. Almost 40 hours worth the stream time to get this beast of a project done. I am honestly really happy with how this came out! Done on a mix of and

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6 23

Replaying and I missed this game. Also this AU

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some doodles of The Administrator bc of course i like the assholes. anyway MOBIUS owns my ass.

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Hey! Look! Once again, something I started long ago, and don't know how to finish!

(I really like her design by the way)

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