White-Eared Opossum

Japanese Name: シロミミオポッサム
Diet: Omnivore
Also known as: White-Eared Possum
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 months
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Distribution: South America
Scientific Name: Didelphis albiventris

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Japanese Name: ヒラコテリウム
Distribution: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Romanised Name: Hirakoteriumu
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Extinct
Scientific Name: Hyracotherium

6 14

Oh! Phoena, it was Phoena.

Anyway, yeah, they travel to parts outside their main continent. Met pirates, beastmen, island prison full of guards and criminals, and magic humanoids with short lifespans, also think 3 new demons were chasing the volunteer army and get in the way 1/?

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Superb Lyrebird

Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20-25 years
Romanised Name: Kotodori
Distribution: Australia
Scientific Name: Menura novaehollandiae
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: コトドリ

3 21

Aki: The Immortal

A witch said to be that of near omnipotence, Aki’s lifespan and history in magic spans more than a thousand years.

Born in the city of Lumiére, Aki was raised in a time that she later described as an era of false peace. Human and demon conflict hadn’t ⬇️⬇️

3 9

Scaly-Tailed Possum

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 3-4
Also known as: Ilangnalya
Distribution: Australia
Scientific Name: Wyulda squamicaudata
Romanised Name: Opossamumodoki
Japanese Name: オポッサムモドキ
Diet: Herbivore
Conservation Status: Near Threatened

8 27

Baizel (they/them or he/him), part of a nearly extinct hyperfauna (lore term) of giant weasels known for their long lifespans and unbelievable length.

7 41

Huacaya Alpaca

Conservation Status: Domesticated
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 25 years
Scientific Name: Vicugna pacos
Japanese Name: アルパカ・ワカイヤ
Also known as: Huacaya
Romanised Name: Arupaka wakaiya
Distribution: South America

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Long-Tailed Chinchilla

Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: Chinchira
Also known as: Chinchilla
Distribution: South America
Scientific Name: Chinchilla lanigera
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Japanese Name: チンチラ

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Medium Tree Finch

Also known as: Camarhynchus pauper
Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
Scientific Name: Camarhynchus pauper
Distribution: Galápagos Islands
Japanese Name: ダーウィンフィンチ
Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown

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Italian Wolf

Scientific Name: Canis lupus italicus
Distribution: Italy, France, Switzerland
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Carnivore
Japanese Name: イタリアオオカミ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Romanised Name: Itaria Ōkami

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Southern Sea Otter

Romanised Name: Kariforunia rakko
Diet: Omnivore
Japanese Name: カリフォルニア ラッコ
Conservation Status: Endangered
Also known as: Californian Sea Otter, California Sea Otter
Distribution: Unknown
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown

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Emperor Penguin

Diet: Piscivore
Romanised Name: Kōteipengin
Japanese Name: コウテイペンギン
Also known as: Emperor, Koutei
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 years
Distribution: Antarctica
Scientific Name: Aptenodytes forsteri

8 26

Anne ! The daughter of those two^
Half human/Half Divine with a long lifespan. She's cheerful and overly trusting of others. She is fiercely loyal and always prepared to give ppl the benefit of the doubt. Her stubborness and over commitment 2 work gets her in trouble a lot.

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Kyushu Owl

Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Kyushu, Shikoku, Southern Honshu
Japanese Name: キュウシュウフクロウ
Romanised Name: Kyūshū Fukurō
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8 Years
Scientific Name: Strix uralensis fuscescens

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A butterfly that beautifies the environment it lives in and everything it touches with its enchanting beauty. Maybe you won't be able to see this special butterfly for the second time. Because it has a very short lifespan in this life...

6 19

Ringed Seal

Japanese Name: ワモンアザラシ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Distribution: Arctic Ocean
Diet: Piscivore
Scientific Name: Pusa hispida
Romanised Name: Wamon'azarashi
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 to 20 years

12 37

[akiangel ice cream truck csm au ahh, the ice cream sword, made from the lifespan of all the ice creams the ice cream devil has eaten

889 5579

I sold half of my lifespan tryna practice how to render clothes.

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Romanised Name: Hirakoteriumu
Conservation Status: Extinct
Diet: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: ヒラコテリウム
Scientific Name: Hyracotherium

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