Fluttershy: Goodness...

Lachlan: *thinks: I guess my speed power is my treasure.*

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Fluttershy: Oh, please try not to scream so loudly next time, sweetie, you might hurt your throat.

Lachlan: *cough* I think I already did.

Chrysalis: Well, you certainly hurt my ears!

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Fluttershy: Um... is that squid person always so grumpy?

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Fluttershy: What’s Discord freaking out about?

Discord: *panting from running* Girls! *pant* Girls!

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Fluttershy: Actually, I think they are talking to somepony...

Applejack: Yer kinda jumpy all’a sudden Rainbow, somethin’ nervin’ ya?

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Fluttershy: Hm? *she looked up and noticed a large spider on the window*

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Applejack: What’s goin’ on in there?

Twilight: I can’t see him!

Pinkie Pie: I always thought the other window was better for finding Lachlan!

Lachlan: *setting up movie night for him and the girls*

Fluttershy: Looks like he’s setting up for a date! https://t.co/tq5KXiofi0

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Fluttershy: Are you referring to the rabbit hole?

Lachlan: Uh, yeah, dat!

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*then, Fluttershy heard a scream fading in from above*

Fluttershy: *sniff* Huh? What’s that sound?

*then, a certain dingo landed in front of them*

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Lachlan: That’s a cool name!

Applejack: *chuckle* Ain’t he a sweetheart?

Fluttershy: *sees Rainbow’s friend Gilda heading down to them* Hi Gilda!

Lachlan: *thinks: who?*

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Fluttershy: “Wow Rainbow Dash, you sound exactly like Batmare!”

Rainbat Dash: “I know right? Guess this suit just really brings it out in me!”

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Fluttershy: I bet all the animals there would love to see Lachlan!

Lachlan: Yeah! Yeah!

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Applejack: We sure do!

Fluttershy: I can’t imagine anycreature hating the little sweetheart!

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Fluttershy: It’s SO adorable!

Applejack: Aww...

Lachlan: *panting*

Twilight: *pats his head* Ooh, your hair is so soft!

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Fluttershy: *whispers* She knows he’s 12, right?

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* Lets let her have her fun.

Twilight: *mtwah-mtwah* Little cutie wutie!

Lachlan: *cute happy whining*

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Fluttershy: He certainly is!

Applejack: Who wouldn’t love the lil’ Sugardog?

Pinkie Pie: Group hug!!

Lachlan: *felt so happy he had the girls as friends who truly love him*

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Lachlan: *sighs in relief* Thank goodness!

Fluttershy: I wonder which pet will keep the two cuties company?

Applejack: I know exactly who! *whistles*

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