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Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist

100 500

宣伝させてください。 著名な日本の元音楽プロデューサーであり、現在は NFT/Digital ARTIST である氏によって作成された NFT コレクション

6 9

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist

99 514

元音楽プロデューサーの月光さんと海外プロジェクトのKOSMO を宣伝させて下さい。
フィジカルアートも高額で売買されていて、マーケットプレイス、NFTステーキング、KOSMO トークン、など盛り沢山です🚀

7 14

a sketch that makes me feel comfortable, this sketch was based on one moment from my dream, I will always like it.

1 3

Anime : Fullmetal Alchemist

455 3881

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

54 381

SPOILER Mangá One Piece

Kid já perdeu um braço na luta contra o Shanks e na revanche vai perder uma perna e será conhecido no mundo de One Piece como Fullmetal Alchemist.

34 851

Greedling thingy inspired by Keisuke Watanabe (guy who played him in the FMA live actions). If anything good came from those films it was him!!! And yes I headcanon Ling/Greed has the same face moles as him

10 21

9 mangas pour me connaître :
( je triche un peu lol)

- Fullmetal alchemist
- Vinland saga
- Übel blatt
- Zetman
- Billy bat
- Leviatan
- Hinomaru sumo
- Bestiarius
-Aku, le chasseur maudit https://t.co/1wmnMUnBDq

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“I lied”

It's always a good time to remind you that is the greatest anime off all time and don't even try to argue with it.

2 8

Fullmetal Alchemist and Soul Eater would be a perfect fit for this kind of game style

7 91

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Milos no Sei-Naru Hoshi

72 486

Entré en modo otaku
Después de tantos años, hago fanart del mejor animé que ví en la vida, Fullmetal Alchiemist: Brotherhood
obra maestra 10/10

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