a remix of 's iconic photo from long beach, ca it perfectly illustrates how backward our police really have it. it's comical. isn't it!?

"graphic violence" for .045 eth


1 11

The only suffocating situation ones should be in.

On side note, I really hope this dumb joke won't turn into anything serious. But, well...

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This link will take you to where you can donate and sign petitions: https://t.co/asrYnPbAVp

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Justice For George Floyd! This image is to amplify his face and name so his story will be remembered and told by those who knew & loved him; by those whose experiences of racism also need to be heard. These are their stories to tell, lift them up & listen.

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As a person who has been treated and judged unfairly just because of my race, we need change. Not just in America, but all over the world.

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It’s your right to grieve and be upset. No one has the right to take anything from you or say otherwise just for being a poc.

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I stand with the protestors even when confined to my home. I’ll do whatever I can to support the brave front line protestors who are shaping our future!

Ways to donate:
Free stream to donate:

4 18

Clairement pas un dessin de ouf mais on s’en fou royalement c’est pas le but. a eu la super idée de publier une photo pour manifester sur les réseaux. J’ai choisie de dessiner mais le geste est la. Courage !

3 11

Inside we all have a heart that bleeds for others who suffer injustice.
If that heart is not bleeding if you see a man/woman on the ground dying at the hands of another, just because of how they look... You are not human in my eyes.

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