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8) REZ. 2.3 ft male.
one of Irk's top geneticists this pasty weirdo as very poor social skills and a quick temper, traits that often get him punted.

takes his work very seriously but has a tendency to treat his creations more like lab rats then irkens.

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I wonder if that has anything to do with Papa Brian bein' a slime! Maybe the love of slime is genetic!

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char's mask is such a cool genetic gundam thing i love the mask motif

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She was the fursona I used after Gray's and Scemo's OG designs for the beginning/middle of High school before I made Amby
She's due for a redesign, and I have plans but haven't gotten around to it yet!
She's supposed to be some sort of genetic experiment/Smilodon Fatalis

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Troll rolls "worst genetic make up ever", asked to leave existence

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Finally finished these headshots of my genet bb Sanka! They’re just an awkward lil fella 🥰

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Fun Fact Carnage and to extension a lot of Symbiotes have a panic attack when they see The Silver Surfer due to Genetic memory [The Amazing Spider-Man...

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Lecture on genetically modified carnivorous fish.

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This is 's oc. His name is Darwin Rimnod. He is a genetic engineer and his career started when tried to make catgirls

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Boy Lois this is worse than that one time I had to convince the Federation not to press charges of treason against a group of genetically modified humans

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May we all begin this new year under the protection of Our Mother Mary, Mother of God and our mother.

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix
nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus;
sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.

19 115

The Year begins with Mary. Today we celebrate Mary, Mother of God

Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genetrix, ut digni efficamur promissionibus Christi.

65 286

I’m pretty sure it’s genetic. Why else would Vegeta always wear gloves?

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11. Megawati Soekarno Putri

Beropini tentang kebhinekaan dan rekayasa genetika.

73 591


(watched Scrooge a second time before Christmas and I saw him make this face, so I said to myself; why not? -v- )

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Redesigns of Dragons's Destiny, I felt like thier designs were out of date (expect Adriagon, he just needed a proper ref)

This time with the redesign I keep their parent's genetics more in mind, it was lacking a lot of Era nad too much Tan in the design. White hairs/fur for Era

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