So while in theory Monday is "Labor Day" or some such mortal holiday, remember that all of your pointless struggle and suffering, it all ultimately benefits the yugoloth hegemony, my razorvine-crowned cackling personage the poster-child thereof. *preen*

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去年の今頃何を描いてたかってタグを見て、ファイルを遡ったら韓国大統領のSPがイケメンということでFace Hegemonyという綽名までついていたので、写真を模写してました…

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The playable cast of Hegemone Pass.

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Hegemon class Star-Dreadnought
by Romain d'Escrienne

13 46

Caricatura EDO: Rompiendo la hegemonía

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Recordando a Julio Godio en 2008, cuando se perdió la clave de la hegemonía positiva.

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Donostia 2016. Hegemonia eta simulazioa. Andeka Larrearen gogoeta + -ren ilustrazioa

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Donostia 2016: hegemonia eta simulazioa Andeka Larreak (Irudia: )

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