brings us her vision of an Alolan magical girl Hitmonchan and a witch doctor Hitmonlee!

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Jongup thinks Daehyun looks like Hitmonchan (left), Youngjae is Hitmonlee (right top) & Zelo is Onix (right bottom)😆

74 29

Pokedreamteam~ Just need a hitmonlee and gengar and I will be all set

0 1

i cant draw good today so here's hitmonlee & hitmonchan dinner "pals", also hitmonchan & the huge glass of pepis

2 18

Finished Hitmonlee / Omanyte fusion done on today's stream!

0 1

Hitmonlee suffocated to death because he doesn't have a god damn mouth

5 15

Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee WIP

6 15