Another swordsman arrives! Rick from Alpha Kimori is bound to be making a appearance into Radiant Combatant! Follow and support the original release here!

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He's making his way in PONCHO from will be seen in the July cut of Radiant Combatant!

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A small tease for bosses that will be seen in the final release for Radiant Combatant, not final but confirmed pieces of the boss line up!

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By both community and administration request, the month of Erizabeth will be replaced with a 3 month long draw out for the months of Radiant Combatant! In it's place!

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Cybernetic Android - Omega S, from Omega Suite will be making their appearance in Radiant Combatant!

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Trianga Polyga from will be making her debut into Radiant Combatant in July 2019!

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We'll be bringing in a double hitter with the releases of Radiant Combatant and this month!

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Another character who will be part of the June Update will be Aria who will be represented in Radiant Combatant!

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Another character that will be introduced in the June Update will be Geraldo Black!

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One of the characters that will be introduced in the May update will be Zoria from Zoria and the cursed island by

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One of the characters that will be introduced in the May Update will be Specter from Murder for Hire by Demon Works!

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We're back again with the final character artworks. Before we make the June character announcements. We didn't add these pieces of artwork! This is mostly due to complications by one of the developers.

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Before we officially begin writers summer, we will be releasing Radiant Combatant - The one tale that will bind two story archs into one at long last!

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Small bits of the MG His Story cast, doing what they do best! Represent and show off their own stories.

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