Día 8: Teeth / Dientes. Me está encantando las maravillas que se ven en el y hoy rindo un homenaje con una película que creo que nos une a tod 🦖 ¡Espero que os guste!

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Fang of the Serpent.
The most popular tooth in the history of Tyria is Jormag's fang.
Its impressive size and the "cool" ambience can be experienced in Hoelbrak.

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Eddie Riggs! One of my favorite characters by Jack Black from a super underrated game.

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Arrancaste el alma de mi cuerpo e intentaste comerla por completo, pero haz tirado al suelo semillas que crecerán más fuertes y cubrirán mi "frágil" ser con espinas.
Día 8: Frágil + Frambuesa.

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Day 8: Old moth

I know we always talk about Tendou convincing Ushijima to go cosplaying with him, but HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED HIM CONVINCING TANJI-KUN?

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Fragile. When I first saw this movie, I was kind of slightly annoyed at the end about the outcome... but thinking about it months later, it's growing on me and I like it more and more...

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