January: green hair, terrible anxious with how hair school is going, insecure about many things and broke af
Current: natural hair for the first time in 5+ years bc i shaved it off in May, angry w the world and raising a puppy https://t.co/RAc8KDVS4R

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January: broke as shit but happy with job, room a fucking disaster, hopeful

September: broke as shit, drastically depressed, laid off from job, cut off my hair, room cleaner at least https://t.co/ZkVjuAATns

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January: Still trying to be presentable. Had a hair length I liked. Forced to be around people, yucky. Business casual

September: Hermit mode reactivated. Hair grew long. Highlights maroon due to dying. Hoodies and sweats all day. Wear mask too duh. https://t.co/cjYB8sVmJo

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January: internal dialogue infecting every single thought, working incessantly, trying to weigh options,, (secretly hopeful)

September: feeling broken, like the endless work I put out is never enough, unable to ask for help, daily abuse at work, somehow more tired, but hey, hair https://t.co/Q5k6RuHWfb

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january: stressed, too depressed to get dressed
now: still a little depressed but working through it and teaching kids art 🥰 https://t.co/Jy4oYRcGqw

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January: looking forward to kiddo going back to school, lifting weights, rolling in babes, pumped to grow my business even more
September: full time mom and teacher, constantly exhausted, no time for my store; my only escape is my garden. Hasn’t gotten laid in 6 months https://t.co/lDCixVfnVX

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January: this year will be good
Now: Oh God I did not have enough coffee to deal with 2020's bullshit

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January: Just moved into my new place, had two jobs and a decent income! Not doing too bad tbh

Now: partially laid off, stressed tf out, trying to get another second job , overwhelmed. Also people of my past trying to get back in my life- https://t.co/QEIIgvQ8UC

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January: Full of hopeful prospects, prepped for grad schools apps, now full goth. With my friends and finally getting help

Now: Hair untouched in 5 months, meds not fully knocking me out, always disrespected by customers, on the verge of screaming at them, monster Energy only https://t.co/Bz0uZNl3OX

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January: at a job that sucked the life out of my soul and destroyed my metal health, got pneumonia bc of said job, went to my only con of the year

September: Unemployed, built a PC, got a kitten w/my boyfriend, pursing art, finally taking care of me. https://t.co/twoxsJvHsn

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January: coping with depression (sorta), restarted my meds, already looking forward to AWA and seeing friends again

September: fucking Exhausted, have been outside for something other than groceries maybe 4 times, barely coping with stress and depression https://t.co/3OqUkVkfwH

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January: cons booked for most of the year, good wardrobe & makeup, optimistic and motivated, steady original art

September: corporate doesnt care about my life, only wearing pajamas, depression and anxiety skyrocketing, video games are only motivator https://t.co/1Yb9pvgiVq

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January: Excited, tired working on my thesis but looking forward to a world of possibilities, excited to visit my friends in Florida.

September: Has not been in a Location in half a year, sometimes employed, feeling lonely and tired despite sleeping until 10am every day.😔 https://t.co/LYfx3De4Kd

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January: Bright and optimistic! Many trips and vacations with family and friends planned. Personal growth and big achievements on the horizon
September: Mental state is held together by duct tape. Literally can't get enough sleep. Blood has been replaced by iced coffee https://t.co/wS3KJ18dzj

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January: Tired, Jobless, Depressed, Miserable, Smelly

September: New apartment, Awesome Job, Cooler Hair, Glasses now, Hopeful, full to bursting with MISCHIEF, same fashion tho

https://t.co/m56Tt4o8uv https://t.co/dQA2UNMTr2

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January: Excited for college, considering the future and my major

Now: tired, sleep deprived, havent cut my hair since quarantine, college is killing me slowly

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Did that Picrew meme going around

January: stable job, pretty hopeful and determined to save up enough money for trans surg and therapist and start meds again
September: keep losing my hair, no job, no therapist, single since June, got diagnosed w/ gerd, have completely given up

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January: college student, exhausted and sad, hopeful for the future, cut my hair too short

September: graduated, 2 jobs, still exhausted but less sad, don’t wear my glasses anymore bc nothing matters https://t.co/4t6FYv7QXR

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January: Starting a new semester and really excited to finally be learning animation at uni and meet more people!
September: Had to somehow teach myself animation from home (RIP) and absolutely terrified to be going back to uni. Also I need a haircut.

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