I absolutely LOVE this fanart!!!!!

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I shall leave you with this adorable Klaine drawing!

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so a well known klaine fanart drawer drew me, tears everywhere.

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For more drawings go to this link: http://t.co/l5R9YItJ

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Klaine and Finchel ice skating drawing

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Another sad fanart...my klaine feelings...;________;

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Klaine fanart.

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Fanart Klaine Hogwarts :)))) and

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*-* I love this fanart!!!<3 Why can't I draw so damnly good???

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Fanart de Klaine "Cuddly klaine wearing glasses" http://t.co/rcv3FEl4

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is the best trending topic I've seen all summer.

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Klaine fanart 4

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Klaine fanart 3

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Klaine fanart 1

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while looking for klaine fanart i found a really cute one! love the HP doll & unicorn! what do u think?

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Lol. In this way, Kurt and Blaine should be reconciled!

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♥BadBoy!Blaine I love it! ....Oh god! Im reading a BadBoy!Blaine too ^^ "Go your own way" *¬*

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"...Pretty pretty, please!
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than...
Less than perfect...."

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I love Scarves & Coffee ♥ Blaine & Kurt love Scarves & Coffe. We love Scarves & Coffee!!! *-* ;)

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I love so much! They are so amazing! TT.TT ♥
I love this pic ♥
I want a wedding!! ♥

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