I kinda got that feeling of a "Triple-blonde menace" when these three characters appeared, I wnted to do something about it. (Its still needs shadows and stuff tho').


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I hope she has your number 😅📷💜

Amazing illustration by ⭐⭐⭐

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「只野くん、やるなら本気でやりなよ」「お前が着せたんだろうが」#fanart (あの黒髪とアスタリスクと髪型は密接不可分みたいで、貫通してくる。ただロングのウィッグをつけてもらいたいだけなんだけどね、むずい。前髪だけ紫とかアバンギャルドw)

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Another Shōnen Sunday commission for this time of Komi !

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Tadano dreaming of a fairytale princess Komi before waking up in embarrassment

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