Megaman AU - Reconnect

I am still floored how many people like their MMZ AU desing 👉👈

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Top 10 Fav Mech Designs easy. Panther Flauclaws from

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I see people saying that X's original body in MMZ should have the "X shirt." That was never the case, he has a chest similar to his original appearance in the X series. the "X shirt was something that is exclusive to Copy X and the guardians (barring Fefnir)

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My brain went to "What if" X could get a body back during the MMZ series.

And mixed it together with Copy and X desings (+ Cyber Elf and Teppen)

And yeah in fact they are/(their?) married.

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Yesterday's post made me realize that there was no MAN joke, that actually used MMZ Zero, and instead used an edited Copy X sprite, thankfully such sin can be rectified.

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Been plying Megaman Zero/ZX collection. Why did they do my boy so dirty? What a downgrade in design. Almost done with MMZ4, then on to the ZX series.

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most MMZ promotional art is based

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I mean... after all these years the influence never went away

The huge emphasis on eyes, androgyny and why my art looks so rounded, cute, but with darker elements... it's all Megaman Zero

These art pieces were made subconsciously, Zero never left my (ice) brain lol (MMZ2 pun)

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Cyber-Elf giving good emotional support If only dating him didn't come with a lot of angst.

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Really wanna play Zero and know more about the characters. Seems fun.

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さくしゃんのおかげで記念日も無事にオソロできた!( ⸝⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝⸝ )♡

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I am hurting my feelings with these two video games that made me cry and been in my brain to these days. Had to quick sketch to let it out unfff 🥺😭

//also I still need Megaman x9 and then lead to Elf Wars so it can continue to MMZ

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