I don't think I've ever had an experience with comics quite like this.

Step By Bloody Step () by and is something truly special. A story without words that screams from every page. And Matheus Lopes' colors are *chef's kiss.*


0 1

holy shit. 46 followers away from 1k...

here's a war mace paladin.

he blesses this post and the reader.

he says:

"Under our Dad's divine grace, ye who boost this post and help Matheus reach 1k shall find money on the ground next time ye go venturin' out."

48 556

My characters began to surface after I saw my cousin who could draw make his own characters thus in return I made one which Matheus was the first but eventually over time I met others who had characters as well which inspired me to make more and so my popular girl Lin was born

0 1

fala, me chamo matheus, comecei há 1 ano no digital e tamo indo🤌

12 56

Matheus is the living embodiment of my freedom,success and strength. He does whatever he wants and practically no one gets mad at him for it.. he succeeds where I fail and he gains the love of a significant other I want but can't find. At the same time he has strength I desire

5 52

Matheus was made back in 2005 thus about 18 years. He was vastly different back then

1 12

Matheus Canella agora será presidente do Brasil

10 68

alo, chamo-me matheus e tamo desenhando aÍ

3 14

Parabéns pelos 4 milhões!!!!
Meu nome é Matheus e eu gosto de desenhar moças bonitas também haha

Amo os trabalhos dos artistas:

6 23

ba tarde, me chamo matheus e faço desenho aí

17 57

The reason Matheus has never fully unleashed his full strength is because one he's being held down by something that's holding him back.

2. To him it is a neccessary handicap

3. He is not aware of how catastrophic his power is once it is fully unleashed.

0 25

fala, me chamo matheus, desenho umas coisa aí tmj

1 4

Hmmmm let's see what happens.


0 4

opa, boa tarde, sou o matheus e tento evoluir a cada dia, comecei no digital faz 1 ano +ou-

10 42

While Lin Nayashi is my poster girl which makes her extremely popular Matheus is my overall main character out of every oc I have... I'm going to ask just like I did with Lin & Akashura. What do you like about Matheus?

2 35

Fun fact these 4 characters including Akashura herself is my best hand to hand combatants out of all my creations and adoptions


1 38

epa, me chamo matheus e desenho aí digitalmente mais ou menos 1 ano

9 28