Antiphonary (#NationalLibraryCZ III D 10)
from the mid-fifteenth century with an interesting collection of Latin sacred songs (contrafacta of originals from the tradition of the German Minnesang).

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Quelques mots sur Thibaut roi de Navarre, dit le Chansonnier. il a laissé plus de soixante pièces de poésies et chansons, principalement dédié à l'amour courtois ou fin'amor. Prince éduqué, il aimait écrire et rapporta la Rose de Damas des croisades.

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The Breviary I.F.6 originally from library of the Cistercian Monastery in (Western Bohemia), written by the scribe Benedikt (Benedictus) in 14th century (#Bohemia), with beautiful fleuronnée initials (#NationalLibraryCZ I F 6)

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Richement illustré, chaque texte est accompagné d’une interprétation morale, intitulée « glose », incitant à l’exercice d’une vertu chevaleresque. Peu d'éléments sont connus concernant l'enlumineur.

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This week, we’re showcasing one of our manuscripts: MS 132, a mid-15thC Italian bestiary. This treatise features watercolour illustrations of animals, such as this

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Here it is, the single weirdest medieval representation of the creation of Eve I've ever seen.

(and yes, I am including the ones where it looks like God is pulling Eve out of Adam's rear)

(Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, III B 10, fol. 2r)

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One of my favorite books within books.

Bible of Jean de Vaudetar, Presented to Charles V around 1372)
Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, MS 10 B 23

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Les batailles de boules de neige ont émerveillé grands et petits depuis des siècles. Les représentations commencent à se profiler à partir du Moyen Âge tardif. En ce mois de juin, parcourons donc la fraîcheur de quelques manuscrits pour les dénicher.

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"You are sweeter than milk and honey, you are peerless among thousands, I love you more than any." Emily Hazrati's lush setting of letters between two medieval nuns is gorgeous! We're performing it on Sat in 🌈

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