I had this paused for months and I only needed to colour the shoes 😂

12 28

i've been trying to upload this for days but twitter wouldn't let me

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¿No tenéis tiempo para ver TANTAS series? No worries! Los chicos del Máster en Ilustración Editorial y Pub. nos las resumen.

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Finding connections between and (seriously, I'm not crazy...)

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A little to help wait the third season

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Whoa and it's multiple plotwists are too much for me to handle right now! Feels like I'm trapped in a genjutsu.

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[fanart] control is an illusion

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Doodled Elliot while waiting for the finale

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My dog, Petey, wanted to be framed like he was in what website do you think he'd try to hack? LOL

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY all my creations! DownTheRabbitHoleXX https://t.co/Ug9bzcQUkF

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