Chiaki Nanami: You are a precious, sweet gamer bean.

However you now hate Tetris.

0 2

Juri & Nanami: [drawing reasonable conclusions based on data]

The invisible train that only appears when people are delivering basic information: CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKERS

you know why nobody at Ohtori knows anything? Akio's own invisible Amtrak distracts them from finding Truth

24 75

Mega-busty Inami Mahiru receiving a love letter, possibly from her close friend Popura Taneshima

Inami: "A letter... for me?"
Popura: "J-just open it already!!"

15 90

2. Konami: Sparkster.

It's a possum with a sword and a jetpack. How could you say no to this? Another character that would work way too well for Smash Bros but has no marketability, so he'd never make it.

1 5

Konami: Since my rule doesn't allow for another Metal Gear character, I think Rocket Knight could be really fun

0 1

Found out that Amazon has
these figures available for preorder.

The figures and my recent fanart of Nami and Robin are based on Oda’s Color Spread for chapter 796.



2 30

Another Inami mahiru quickie

Inami: "They're still so smaaaaaall, kyoko! Just imagine...!"
Kyoko: "HEY! If you don't learn to control that dumb complex of yours, I imagine you just might end up paying for damages to the restaurant!"

20 86

Heejin as principal minami:
-idk i ran out of characters

0 0

Minami: acting like Tony Stark]


161 275

nami: figuring out how to make money off of sanji's potions
sanji: getting distracted by nami
luffy: thinks the potion might be edible ??!!
zoro: bracing for the inevitable cauldron explosion due to sanji's idiocy

202 584

Subaru: Ha-ha-ha~!
Manami: Isn't it "ho-ho-ho--?"
Subaru: Ah, right...

sorry for the repost! I had to do some modifications~✨
Have a wonderful christmas break, everyone!

3 5


Wir haben unzählige, unglaubliche Künstler in der riesigen Zeichnerallee der DoKomi!

Daher wollen wir uns bei diesen bedanken, die für uns wunderbare Bilder, Merch etc. entworfen haben.

DANKESCHÖN hier an die Künstlerin NAMI:

4 27

GUESS WHO's coming: Oct 6th for
Nami is a Denver artist who likes to joke, draw and drink coffee. What more do you need to be a successful illustrator? Oh... right, money. Please won’t you help?

2 3

New iOS/Android (music?) game coming from Konami:
ダンキラ!!! - Boys, be DANCING! - (DanKira (dance-battle sport))

56 60

Five star Makishima: Dance
Five star Onoda: ?? (Vocal?)
Four star Manami: Vocal
Four star Toudou: Performance

65 113