kazuo is hot but so are the love interests 💦

got extended to April 14, so kalie and i are hard at work polishing the demo! please look forward to it and follow our updates !

8 12

Excited to announce my first character for Suite Love, a game for

This is Amora!


2 20

Just realized how close to the end of we are!! 💦Put together an itch logo~! We're coming into the finish line...

1 18

Dev log for the second and third weeks of
This week is the final push towards finishing! :) https://t.co/7GlYSNgJvB

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Drew this lil cutie for 'Another Aurelie'. Hope you will look forward to it... ^ w ^

0 17

It’s a pleasure ~

I am thrilled to announce I’ll be the voice of Haruma Yakumo in the Showtime!!!

3 12

Finished the first draft of my game! A bit ahead of schedule since we've been social distancing. I still need a name, something to do with dreams! Any thoughts?

3 6

Now we have The Jester - Wielder of the Book of Time.

A strange person clad in medieval jester attire.
Holding the Book of Time, they tell stories of the past.

But what exactly the Jester's goals are is anyone's guess...

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Day 19 continued

I FINALLY FINISHED ALL THE IMAGE STATEMENTS!!! The game runs fine. It has most sound effects. Just needs music and it's a full game. I begin adding voice acting tomorrow~

Here, have a screencap of Mrs. Sato being a concerned mom.

1 15

So it's happening. Remember

freed up and wanted to do art, so now I'm committing myself to writing the game for by this weekend, and having the game playable by Monday.

Goal: ~5000 words? Let's see how this goes. 😓

(Here's one of the guys.)

1 13

Here are some character introductions for The Punniest Pun Messter (TPPM). What do you think of them?

8 4

Because I kept forgetting to share this.... EmbraceOfDestiny gave me permission to show all the chibi! So here they are. Adorable, yes?

Designs based on sprites by Kainico and Crescent Moon Arpeggio

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Day 17 of

More image and SFX placements today. I got quite a bit done last night. Who knows? I could have the entire script done by tonight if I'm vigilant!

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Day 16 of

More image placements today!

is working on GUI, so we'll have a prettier textbox than this later.

Noah is a very charming and polite servant. And a badass with the katana.

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I finished Theo! She's a character in NaNoReNo project :)

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Okay one more screenshot for the night....
I've placed images up until this point so far!
(Sprite by Crescent Moon Arpeggio)

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Day 15

I mostly took a break today to avoid burnout, but I just started on adding image statements! Will focus more on this tomorrow~

This is literally the first scene in the game. (Sprite by Ran)

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Everyone is working so hard on their NaNoRenO projects, Budapest would be so proud! Keep it up!!

3 14

Another day, another sprite. Say hello to Elisabeth, one of the teacher characters in our entry. https://t.co/lWhDVsy4rY

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