
15 30

探索が楽しすぎてあらゆる街とダンジョンを巡り続けた結果、2章始まる前にLv60になってました この自由度がすばらしい 最高でした 感謝・・・・

710 2399

I'm still working on the others but pls take this tiny yeehaw

He wishes ya'll a very money

196 468

I FINALLY MADE IT TO SE CAFE, more in thread 😭♥️

0 13

One of my brother finished the game, and the final secret boss already. I must catch up very soon, haha.
I will probably make Hikari a Armsmaster, but I just want an excuse to draw Temenos in armor.

93 253

Osvald V. Vanstein 📖⛓️

49 171

I started my story as Temenos and then grabbed Osvald. There’s something really funny to me about poor Osvald waking up to Temenos who exudes such bastard energy after being thru so much crap 😅

575 1399

[#OctopathTraveler2] warm company under the cold desert stars

388 1256

Yes yes im once again in octopath hell uwu

Choose Hikari as starter, but so far my favorite stories are Throne and Osvald. Temenos is my most favorite character because he is such a troll (poor Crick) 😂

308 810