画質 高画質

🍪 Sir Francis 🛡️
This common soldier was bestowed his title after saving the life of a prince! This deed has since then allowed him to be the royal bodyguard. Truly noble!

23 45

Day 8: Film
Self insert cause cringe is dead
I tend to have a bad habit of planning way in advance for projects when I don’t even know if they’ll succeed, let alone get off the ground

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🍪 Sheena 🎸
The heroes of Drem gain strange powers after their initial ascension Sheena's entire body functions like an amplifier! She can play soothing music... or deadly tones!

26 45

--Them boys--
Featuring two Furrgis and one greenbag..
Had this sketch lying around so I finished it.

3 6


New page of ! Click the link below to check it out! :)


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Day 2: Extraterrestrial
Featuring a curious flatwoods monster cause why not

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