I also do some editorial most recently these 'Oumuamua illustrations for a feature written by

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What's up hello has anyone read about Oumuamua? On Oct '17 the first interstellar visitor was discovered passing through our solar system and some scientists think it's an alien probe sending a message because it was going insanely fast. Most scientist think it's just a dumb rock

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This is Oumuamua and he is an interstellar comet. =)

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Oumuamua Milk Stout, designed for , is named after the first interstellar object to pass through our solar system. Check out the full project here: https://t.co/abwloPZvCw

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Les premiers enregistrements du radiotélescope de Green Bank (Virginie) braqué sur l'astéroïde ne plaident pas pour l'hypothèse d'un engin conçu par les extraterrestres https://t.co/kiDFh3g2he

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太陽系外天体 1I/2017 U1 「Oumuamua」の形状は軸比6:1、230 m x 35 mの超楕円形状と判明。8.26時間でゆっくりと回転。まるで宇宙船のようだ

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