Meanwhile in Glasgow, precautions are not impeding day to day life too much...

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Always take precautions and use protection

original design by MantisShrimpp

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In the events of the last month.. Lis is taking her precautions

Everyone, stay safe and strong <3

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Friends have been talking about Lambie lately and I suddenly wanted to draw her poofed up~

Got to have safety precautions when doing advanced ballerina tricks!

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Remember to take precautions out there and stay home. Love you guys.

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I join everyone in praying for the safely of all individuals, families, and communities. Please take all necessary precautions. Keep your family and loved ones indoors whenever possible, and practice proper hygiene.
Be strong and stay hopeful.👊

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⚠️precautions are important⚠️
Shieru wants you all to stay safe during this difficult time! ✨

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Take your precautions :)

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& scare tactics have caused some to behave irrationally over the If you've taken all the precautions, there's nothing more you can do. Those in good health will be fine, even if they contract it. Others should notify with any signs.

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Encouraging everyone to take care, stay safe, be aware, stay up to date on the situation, stay healthy, take the right precautions, and show care for others in this time. Let us all hope and do what we can to prevent the situation from becoming worse than it is.

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I am super anxious about this outbreak, My mum if she catches it would likely die, my S/O isn't the healthiest lad and could die if he catches it. My Older brother could die if he catches it. I'm taking all the precautions I can, and doodled a nervous Kobold to help the panic.

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I've been realizing that a lot of what I thought was my personality was not only ADHD, but all the precautions I took to hide it. I even do most of it without realizing! Masking ADHD is extremely exhausting and muddying my sense of self.

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Inwood Film Festival Postponed Amid Coronavirus Precautions. Stay tuned for rescheduling information.

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So, last night was Bri's first fullmoon transformation with the party! Precautions were taken but not quite enough it turns out... Bri's best buddy Barakel had to... uuuh... punch her to sleep to keep everyone safe! But finally I can reveal Bri's newest icon, she has a few now XD

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In fair warning... Tomorrow evening something is happening that could very well upset our system more.

We have no way of telling, but we have precautions in place.

I care about all of you.

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A careful waifu taking precautions against coronavirus [002/100]

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The Midweek Sanitary Precautions
Playing doll full hazmat
Wash your hands !
Art by Trevor Brown

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Revise, internalize, teach, and practice these safety precautions.

[have a stash of face masks and hand sanitizers]

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