for all above become your Suns,
full and glowing,turning round you.
But in you is already begun what will outlast the Suns

2 8

and I'm so deep that I see no end
and no distance -
all became affinity
and all affinity turns into stone


149 220

La solitudine è come la pioggia.
Si alza dal mare verso sera;
dalle pianure lontane, distanti,
sale verso il cielo

16 16

E per il resto lasciatevi accadere la vita
Credetemi: la vita ha ragione in tutti i casi

by Montserrat Gudiol

15 17

El único viaje es al interior...


43 74

Ma ko ti bio: poslednja uz put
tvoja je kuća, a iza nje: bezmerje.

Rainer Maria Rilke

5 34

"O giovane, non basta, se la bocca anche ti trema di parole, ardire nell’impeto d’amore"

11 12

Rainer Maria Rilke, 1928, Leonid Pasternak

38 120

This week at Zen Pencils --"Live the questions" by Rilke.

5 5

'How can I keep my soul in me,
so that it doesn't touch your soul?
(..) Oh sweetest song! '

12 15

"Y me hago fuerte,y redondo como un silencio de astros sobre la ciudad mágica del tiempo"

16 16

"The only journey is the journey within..." ~Rainer Maria Rilke~
<3 <3 <3

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reflecting vistas and events long vanished,
and closed the circle of this ancient mystic legend.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

1 1