James Gibbs who is represented by was commissioned by Bulletin Magazine for a cover and some turn page illustrations. Bulletin is the official magazine of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

Click to see more of James work https://t.co/oDPL3jmY5l

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James Gibbs who is represented by was commissioned by Bulletin Magazine for a cover and some turn page illustrations. Bulletin Magazine is the official magazine of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.
See more here: https://t.co/GGfWBl274a

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Today is a shameful day for Spain. The 5"Running of the Bulls”rapists were given nine-year jail terms for sexual assault of a 18yo girl and acquitted from rape. One of the judges even wanted to acquit them entirely.
They say "if you didn't resist, it wasn't rape"...

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The Men's Rights Movement is a movement for rapists and rape apologists.

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Here's my Trump Valentines Day cartoon. I'm thinking of doing an "uncensored" version with: "SHITHOLE" "GRAB 'EM BY THE PUSSY" and maybe "THEY'RE RAPISTS". Are there any more that I should put into the uncensored version? Let me know now and I'll do it tomorrow!

Help! Thanks!

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Chronological Age Calculator automatically calculates a child's chronological age when you enter their date of birth. Handy for teachers, psychologists and speech therapists https://t.co/5InkeiDmul

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Australian Family Therapists Award winners & honours 2017

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--therapists, but I think she may be ENFP because of this picture right here. I feel she's a bit too spontaneous to be an INFJ too. But it--

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Stories music and wild swimming. Roundabout dramatherapists at the Festival at the Edge

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This! Absolutely this. Therapists Are Using Dungeons & Dragons To Get Kids To Open Up https://t.co/QKW3KwlINf

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. writes that the prevention-is-better-than-cure argument doesn’t work when it comes to Romeos & rapists https://t.co/psNPtkOa6A

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Hi Here's a card design from our new Special Friend Collection! 'Friends are therapists...'x

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We live in a society that normalizes rape. Where rapists get away. Students at UCT aren't having it!

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[Naruho] Huge Breasts Rapists (Spanish) http://t.co/rPUWiv3b

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