I lack the background, god, it's a bit stressful having to give the same care to the background as the character according to me.

1 13

Is this bothering you!?!?! Many thanks to for these adorable inspired commissions. 💙

7 130

Por fin! Pude terminar mi fanart de la pelicula Red ♥️ me gustó mucho, me trajo viejos recuerdos de mi adolescencia y mi vieja frikez jajaja espero les guste enjoy! 🤗💖

1 20

🧡 Redsona 🧡
Les gustó la peli? A mí me encantooooi!!!!
Y decidí hacer el reto de la Redsona 🧡🤗

0 5

Llegue tarde, pero se puedo terminar el dibujo, espero les guste 💖✨

12 62

Abby 💖🥺

This is how I’d image Abby if she was a little goddess✨

2 29

Eu não podia deixar passar esse filme perfeito e tinha que fazer uma fanart dele! ❤️ + 🔁

1 7

Mi oc Alex y Nora versión a la peli Red, la verdad me salieron bien lindos, las otras 2 imágenes son sus diseños

My oc Alex and Nora version of the Red movie, the truth is that they turned out very nice, the other 2 images are their designs

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