A1: I'm Mel and I'm from Montreal, Canada😊

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Forgot to add my work, classic nerves mixed with excitement I do a lot of mixed media!

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A1: Hey! I'm from Nashville, TN, the midsouth region. I love doing comics, drawing dogs, and drawing dog comics.

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Hi! I'm Dinalie, catching up on the conference this morning from Australia :)

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A1: Alanna from the Austin, Texas area! Check out my showcase portfolio here 🤗 https://t.co/f0cMOuEVRw

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Hello! Sue Macartney here joining you from Vancouver Island. What a fabulous first day!!

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Forgot my promo piece! Cassie from Upstate, NY (again, if you caught it before). https://t.co/Cgi7nEY0Zm

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A1: My name is Polina Gortman. I'm an illustrator from WA! Nice to meet everyone!

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Hi all you . I’m Jo from Fort Collins, Colorado. Great to connect!

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Hi! I’m Marina Alcoser and I’m from Boise, Idaho. 😊Here’s some of my work!

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A1 I’m from Venezuela and I’m based in NYC 🙆🏻‍♀️ here is my Instagram https://t.co/l5OHUTDjtp and some of my latest work 💕

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A1: Hi everyone! This has been such an amazing info-packed day! I'm Heather from Kansas City.

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A1: I'm Jeanne Bowman and I am currently living in Savage, MT. But I wouldn't be a SCBWI member if it wasn't for all the great friends I made in ABQ, NM! Shoutout to anyone here from that region and from MT!

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Hi all! I’m from Santa Cruz, California and I’m enjoying the virtual tour of everyone’s art! Here’s one of mine from my gallery

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A1: Hi! I’m Melissa, a CB book auth/illustrator! I love illustrating books & puzzles, etc. that are cute, whimsical and magical. Agent:
Insta: rt

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CHEERS! I'm toasting my invisible cocktail to you from San Diego!

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A1: My name is Kelly Rae Bahr from Brier, WA. Great to see you all here and love checking out the showcase!

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HI! I'm Beverly from Tennessee/midsouth region. I do lots of fantasy art and the occasional cat or two.

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Hello fellow It's a pleasure to "meet" you all. Here's an illustration sample:

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