Just a little post for my ship child, Caliban. Hope you like this chubbie boyo. (even if it's some old drawing because I can't draw right now)

4 23

[Kacy] The son of Kanaye and Lucy UwU

*gift for my friend!! <3

6 15

Cómo andan mis fantasmas?
Acá un cómic pendejo :^)
El nene es paki, el hijo de Paraguay y Kazajistán
Pd: Әке significa papá en kazajo según Google traductor

0 18

I been thinking to make and shipchild like Errorink canon shipchild, and here it is! Aj or Alphaverse!PJ

Aj don't have a full name like PJ, so his name is only Aj

0 6

shipchild ow yee claps my hands together

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Tear S.L [2021]

"huh what with that look?"-Tear.

5 11

Охра если что.

6 231

This is the little Spica! This beautiful girl belongs to , I rlly love her colors to much and how she seems to shine on her own sparkles✨

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Collections of baby Misfit and his parents. o/

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Palette was raised by Geno and Death (Reaper) alongside Goth. He barley acknowledges his bio parents.

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Naibemma shipchildrens
Artina and Orion
Survivors gangs!!!

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Soooo I drew Kaito again but he looks much older here... don't mind the blood. It's not his... maybe

4 14

I drew gloss bc I just love there design so much ♥️

Gloss was created by-llwandehll

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