For my -if- role reversal au, I decided to change Shuka's magical girl outfit to match with Aichi's magical boy outfit

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i'm AsShuKa, a vietnamese illustrator! i do original art as well as fanart for a wide range of series, looking to bring a unique (and gay) take on expressions, colors and misaligned liminal space into the world.

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El anime sigue a Shotaro Futaba (VA Shimba Tsuchiya), quien está fascinado por la gimnasia después de verla en su tercer año de secundaria, y se une al equipo de gimnasia rítmica de su nueva escuela secundaria Soshukan High School, apodada Ao High.

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🌸Wallpaper & Smartphone Background🌸

For Kevin Enge

Gate: Rory Mercury
Darwin's Game: Shuka

Render &

Thank you for your order 🥰

Likes and Retweets are highly appreciated💖

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Veterana de guerra e conselheira de Suna, Chiyo foi uma grande marionetista e ninja médica que rivalizava com Hanzō e Tsunade na 2ª Guerra

Sentindo compaixão pela dor do Naruto, ela decide morrer consertando seu erro de ter selado Shukaku no Gaara

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painted a small thing to stick in the background of my artblog sketchlog(.)asshuka(.)com using powerful technology of CSS Alignment to make it look hopefully ok on all screen sizes
check it out. and maybe validate my choices of decorating a tumblr blog.

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Visuais & Sinopse

Shoutarou, um garoto fascinado pela ginástica rítmica masculina, se matriculou no Colégio Soshukan para ingressar no time da escola e participar de competições.

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🆕 Back Arrow [Ending]

"Sekai no Hate" by Shuka Saitou, is now available on


➡ More songs :

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Shoutarou, um garoto fascinado pela ginástica rítmica masculina, se matriculou no Colégio Soshukan para ingressar no time da escola e participar de competições.

Centimillimental (OP de given) cantará a música de abertura.

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In order to escape a road of solitude, one has to work hard, and forge a new path with their own power!⠀
He got turned into Gaara. He is the Kazekage of the Village Hidden in the Sand and the former host of Shukaku the One-Tail beast.⠀
- - - - - - - - - -⠀
Follow turne

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Wow finally actually posting something here.
Here are some of my ocs.
Their names are
Blaze Flare. Shuka. Cielo and Rocco.
Tell me what you think of them I guess and ask things about them if you wanna 👉👈

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starting these tags because the world needs more shukai in it
didn't know if i should make his eyes blue or green so i did both
anyways consider this a beta design bc despite having him for about a year he never had a design until now

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On top of my awesome debut today! I got cute art from and shukafn!

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This is Bloom! She's a sapphic demon who is way too cool (awkward) to talk to people! She likes shakshuka, chilli and garlic bread. Anytime she can add a lil spice to things, she will, even if she's not great with the heat.

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同人サークル EーGarden


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4. Gaara vs Deidara

Pertarungan ini debut di Naruto Shippuden episode 3 dan 4 dan Manga original Naruto di chapter 248. Pertarungan ini terjadi karena Deidara yang ingin berusaha mengambil Shukaku yang ada di dalam tubuh Gaara untuk melancarkan rencana Akatsuki.

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