If Macaque and Wukong were afraid of mice.
I'm sorry it turned out so messy, I'm just a little tense. I hope it won't happen again :'D

214 1453

tw// blood
рот открыл и орёт

12 106

From seeing fanarts of a mortgage human form of Macaque and Wukong, I was also encouraged to make my own version (I'm bad at drawing beards)

28 436

So since you guys seemed to like my little doodle of the hercules au, I figured I'd draw more of it!! I don't really have all the context figured out, but I figured it'd be nice to see anyway :D

16 154

Part 2/2
While I was doing this, it was even funny to me

186 1869

The himmmm<3
Didn't plan rendering it cuz i thought i can animate w it but yeah it turned out so sh9t LOL

3 19

I love multi-armed characters too much. I also love these two, so I couldn't help but draw their merger :)))))

14 129

Heres the monkeys as dessert dragons

Ok back to whatever my brain tells me to do next-

11 143

I don't know what I did, maybe it's fatigue.

7 139

Macaque drawing I did a while ago on MS paint!! >:) Screenshot redraw !!

21 178

I tried to draw them with messy hair but I'm not sure if it turned out well. This is what I liked the most to draw and color. That look says a lot.

14 389