Sorry por no publicar nada en 2 semanas, pero ya estoy de regreso 🥰

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Small chibi commission for Starcookie1234♡
Thank you!

Third chibi will be uploaded soon♡

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My nam is Kyrun. I am a writer and artist. I've created books like Shaman's Destiny, Xob the Lightning Wielder, Ruby from Planet Oz, and Starcore. All are available from at

2 2

Small chibi commission for Starcookie1234♡
Thank you!

More to upload♡

6 13

Although no one asked me I made a color version of my illustration of the new Disney lightyear film I hope you enjoy it as I enjoy doing it


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Froggy Friend bought for 0.10 ETH (109.78 USD) by 0xMetalFace from starcoqui

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On the left, Hilson make new toast for breakfast.
On the right, Hilson suddenly freak out saw Booster got Bunzel Fever.

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Starcollet tskr...

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Il 1580 nasceva Astronomo e pastore fiammingo. Nonostante andasse contro la Chiesa sostenne la teoria copernicana secondo cui i pianeti orbitano attorno al sole. Sue le misurazioni più accurate della distanza dal Sole dopo Aristarco, 2.000 anni prima.

0 3

Got this amazing image from Gilbert Monsanto o . It features out Starcore battling .mike 's Stateman and Brian Menard's Insekt III. I think it came our great.

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My name is Kyrun. I'm a writer, artist, and Podcaster. I produce comics like Shaman's Destiny, Xob the Lightning Wielder, Ruby from Planet Oz, and Starcore through .

1 2

When Xiao ask Zhongli out to pick some starconches together with him. A certain someone is also listening.🫢🤭 (thanks to Mika as well for editing the words💕)

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