It's Julian "Ilya" Devorak's bday

Happy Birthday to this slippery, sexy man

PLS DO NOT REPOST/STEAL | PLS credit this art | Idea belongs to shutterstock

Julian Devorak belongs to

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5 days until Julian’s birthday!
I wanted to do a little art countdown for this man until March 12, so here’s my first drawing 💕

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[The Arcana commission]

The lovely Starblazerm31 contacted me again, to draw another of her OCs/MCs!
Meet the fierce fire mage Imalia, in love with Asra...
She's also her DnD character! 😉

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He's here...
Here's the first one, the Lucio many of us have wanted since forever, a malicious, maniacal bastard who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

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[The Arcana - commission]
Today is Lucio's birthday... but who smashed the cake on grumpy boy's face? (definitely Asra)

Thanks to for this request! ❤❤❤

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[The Arcana - commission]
The magnificent MC Axel in Winter Ball outfit!
In a realistic, not chibi way. 😋

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I wish everyone of you a happy new year! I wish 2020 will be your year, keep up your passion, keep up your amazing work, get better everyday and most of all... have fun!
*tight hug* your NovaFelis ❤️

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And a timelapse. Thought about making a voice over to talk about the technique and game, but meanwhile here is the muted version.

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What happen on last halloween? Well... ^^"

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