Thunberg Derangement Syndrome

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Was slightly horrified by the grown ass adults who are threatening a teenager online and so I wanted to show my support to Greta Thunberg . You are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

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wil b exhibiting 2 new supersized portraits in our up and coming Thoughtful Planet exhibition in Sept at TF.

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At this point in the painting I have dropped the lineart. I have worked on the face the most, mainly the subtle shift in skin tones. The hair will be the last thing I work on.

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: de violentes charges contre sa venue à l’Assemblée de pour
La jeune activiste Greta Thunberg doit intervenir à l'Assemblée nationale ce mardi 23 juillet. Mais elle fait déjà l'objet de nombreuses critiques.

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"You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their eyes"-Greta Thunberg.
Embroidery on recycled handmade paper.
32cm x 32cm

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It is long beyond the time when should have removed the account of
Here she targets 16 year old Greta Thunberg as a Nazi child. There are no circumstances where freedom of speech can be invoked as a defence in defaming and cruelly targeting kids.

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Da 1 a 10 che figura ha fatto dopo il: "sembra un personaggio da film "?
Specchi in casa ne abbiamo?
Una cosa è certa: Io che l'ho disegnata stanotte non dormirò per la paura!

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Le vendredi 15 mars, des milliers de collégiens, lycéens et étudiants participeront à une Face à l’urgence climatique, les jeunes souhaitent changer les choses et c’est le sujet de notre Hebdo des 7-11 ans >>

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Joining my fellow authors & illustrators in the campaign by & inspired by Greta Thunberg & all the other young people calling for action on climate change. We've only got 1 planet to live on, let's not waste it. Worldwide March 15th

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day 19-21: Snowdrop, Thunbergia, Upland cotton
Can you not edit tweets?? how?? does this site work ?? I accidentally wrote the wrong days for my last post!

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• „Germania-Pleite: Politik versagt, Verbraucher zahlt drauf“
• „Klimastreik: Spott und Ignoranz bestärken Greta Thunberg und die anderen Schüler“

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Greta Thunberg und AFD vereint im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel - Die eine stemmt sich gegen den menschgemachten Wandel, die anderen gegen dessen Existenz und beschimpfen sie als „bemitleidenswerte Messdienerin eines perversen Klimagottesdienstes (EIKE)

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