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Eburnean Tommy AU (6/?)

Dream’s reaction to EB!Tommy!!! (more info in replies)

62 1216

On to a new adventure! CometSmp supremacy ☄️☄️☄️🌠✨

36 668

How can you stand there,
a whisper from me?
Yet somehow, be so far away?

10 29

Ive been inspired to draw dragon cometsmp!Tubbo and it was supposed to be a decent one but then i fullforce slammed my hand into the wall and gave up 👌 ouch

8 42

I was gonna finish this properly but the hamster fell into the abyss 😭😭😭😭😭😭

21 110

When the fire fireworks duo are and they fireworks duo and and they they are being a duo and—

(the fireworks duo Detroit: Become Human brainrot hasn’t left)

18 78

I could never get sick of you, my Valentines~

0 2