Reply or QRT with your most popular drawing!

My mans Wilt here!! But I’d argue it was Yui🥴

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It's the final countdown! Today's the last day to pre-order Fiori – don't let the opportunity to get this fabulously floral zine wilt away! Buy it at

Preview art is by on Insta!

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I love drawing robots, so here are my OCs who are named Wilt & Two. Humanity has fallen from its utopian world, and now our heroes wander a scarred planet that has been reclaimed by nature, left pondering what happened and why they are here.

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670 - Floette
Type: Fairy

It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws out the hidden power of flowers to battle.

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Ik zal hier eventjes mn prijzen poppen zoals al de rest. Je mag me altijd een berichtje sturen als je wilt samenwerken ❤️

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"Her scars were healing, and replaced anew. But she never felt the pain of scar, for she had already turned into marble. Mossed and one with the abandoned garden flowers, blooming and wilt and bloom again."

note: Hope you like it, thank you ✨🌞

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Day 31: - and mixed with and
This month I’m doing ’s challenge but w/ a twist. I’ll mashup each day’s show chrs w/ chrs.

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filled with bitterness and frustration, the flowers nested in their hat wilt and dry up.
a witch of anger and sadness

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Kunst, juist nu! Russische kunst bij Galerie Bonnard. Wil je komen kijken? We zijn open van donderdag t/m zondag van 11-18u. Als je op een andere dag of tijd wilt komen, we maken graag de deur voor je open!

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" Why, thou deboshed fish, thou, was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I today? Wilt thou tell a monstrous lie, being but half a fish and half a monster?"

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Athlete~ Wilt, the nicest guy you could know!!

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Here’s something, what voice would you give Wilt

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Wilt! A definitely black coded childhood favorite! I need to practice more art but I like the way he turned out! I used a reference for him. 🖤

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The ravens of time will devour your beauty alive
Unless you sign this contract with the devils
You will wilt and decay
All you have to do is believe
In a false promise of immortality
But to the eyes of love you may come unmasked
To stay in our hearts as the immaculate beauty

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Multi-talented in the way she can make flowers bloom with her fluff and wilt at her angst, please welcome our spellcaster, word-wizard, all around fantastic person, Nathya!

🔓Guest Writer

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670 - Floette
Type: Fairy

It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws out the hidden power of flowers to battle.

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