9位(RT61/Fav201):https://t.co/aTaJOC2MWY (NACHA305)
10位(RT68/Fav171):https://t.co/USO4rL805R (yukikaze2828)
11位(RT63/Fav175):https://t.co/S2ey13lrFK (_sandstorm_8)
12位(RT52/Fav186):https://t.co/8L3RjVKjoF (meitoro77)

0 0

5位(RT53/Fav134):https://t.co/USO4rKPQRJ (yukikaze2828)
6位(RT45/Fav140):https://t.co/aTaJOBKDIQ (NACHA305)
7位(RT43/Fav102):https://t.co/S2ey133irC (_sandstorm_8)
8位(RT35/Fav107):https://t.co/aE74yRmRhR (comicand_com)

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https://t.co/k2TQ6iKooi northern little sister ushio (kancolle) yukikaze (kancolle) by saiguchi otoufu

1 1

1位(RT83/Fav216):https://t.co/liBvKVCOwY (seitei04)
2位(RT58/Fav147):https://t.co/96pKhSgycl (yuki_taira_)
3位(RT44/Fav106):https://t.co/USO4rKPQRJ (yukikaze2828)
4位(RT36/Fav111):https://t.co/wfRju8JlKC (lycorisradiata2)

0 0

https://t.co/v2AVu2Z1iV tan yang (kancolle) tsushima (kancolle) yukikaze (kancolle) by unidentified nk

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1位(RT69/Fav161):https://t.co/liBvKVUXL6 (seitei04)
2位(RT39/Fav96):https://t.co/USO4rL805R (yukikaze2828)
3位(RT42/Fav92):https://t.co/96pKhSyHqt (yuki_taira_)
4位(RT25/Fav86):https://t.co/wfRju8siIC (lycorisradiata2)

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1位(RT28/Fav68):https://t.co/USO4rL805R (yukikaze2828)
2位(RT21/Fav52):https://t.co/liBvKVUXL6 (seitei04)
3位(RT12/Fav48):https://t.co/wWgQTobK4e (TamamizuTM)
4位(RT15/Fav37):https://t.co/aE74yRF0vZ (comicand_com)

0 0

Taimanin RPG Upcoming Gosha Units

Lilith Mail Mag came early this time.

- SR [Science] Young Asagi and Sakura Lady
- SR [Superhuman/Red] Wind God Asuka and Lightning God Yukikaze

Hope your gems are ready!

3 41

This Yukikaze costume when in Action Taimanin?

17 118

https://t.co/z2ZyNA8WJJ yukikaze (kancolle) yukikaze kai ni (kancolle) by watanore

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https://t.co/cAHXATQ2so tokitsukaze (kancolle) yukikaze (kancolle) by kou hiyoyo

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so i’ve been watching daiya no ace.. and a certain someone already has a tight grip on my neck

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https://t.co/lULYIjN3PB tan yang (kancolle) yukikaze (kancolle) by kirisawa juuzou

0 1

https://t.co/1EafpBZ5bQ yukikaze (kancolle) yukikaze kai ni (kancolle) by watanore

2 4

https://t.co/UIuflx2mq6 tan yang (kancolle) tsushima (kancolle) yukikaze (kancolle) by karasu (naoshow357)

2 3

Este 14 de septiembre es el cumpleaños de Yukikaze Maya (CV: Fuuko Saito) de la serie GirlFriend (kari). Para celebrarla, una selección de cartas de ella.


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