21th tour, oh no, Sakura is very sad because you're not with her. Go to confort your zombiegirlfriend, it's an emergency mission for you. GO GO GO GO 😎🤗🌸

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17th tour,
Ai surrounds of the busts of Sakura, Tae and Yugiri
Ai : it's annoy, someone want my place ?
Me : I can take your place
A : perfect, go here assistant, you help me
M : ah, it's the heaven, 3 nice busts of zombiegirls surrounds me 😊😍

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9th tour, what a manager needs to be happy ?
-be manager of a music group
-have kind and beautiful zombiegirls singers
-have an assistant to pass his nerves (good job for Lalatina)
-Have a legendary girl
-live and marry with the perfection, aka Sakura Minamoto herself 🌸💍😎

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7th tour,
An ad: you have passed a bad day, you chief yelled on you during all the day or you can't come out due to the virus, one solution, have a zombiegirl in GF. She is always here to make cute hugs and confort you. Huh, real girls can do this, I'm not sure 😁

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4th tour, police of the off shoulders clothes, miss Sakura, your clothe is very beautiful and Kotaro has to like this but you can't beat the legendary off shoulders dress of Kagerou. Sorry, here, a pretty wolfgirl beats a beautiful zombiegirl
So, have a good day, Miss Minamoto🌸

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Redesign of Widow. Wanted to make her color scheme softer and cuter and her sword and clothes more ornate.

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can't believe it's been almost one and a half year that I painted my zombie girl the last time. D:
It's about time she gets a name, too~ .. any suggestions? x3

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Yeah... Madison
If it isn't apparent, the girls are going to "increase the tone"; most likely to full NSFW. Something that won't happen to the regular or Clover.

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