Capitalism is trending? ABOLISH IT! GLOBALLY. FATALLY.

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Sea Warlords × Cafe

BN: 3 Warlords gets a new job after Shichibukai abolishment! 😂

*Me as an employer: it's a yes for me guys, your all hired! 😂

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Many people in the world will pay more attention to the tragedy of Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang Uygur. CCP has been tryin to control these areas under the name of assimilation policy. This video shows the protest movement against the policy to abolish the use of Mongolian.

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Black lives matter.
No human being is illegal.
Abolish the police.
Death to fascism.

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Hey! Just in case I have followers that don't know:

Black Lives Matter (Now, and always)
Trans Rights are Human Rights
Abolish the Police
Silence is Violence

Ans finally, if you support Trump, please do me and my Ghosts a favor and get f****d!

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Revolution alone can “abolish” the bourgeois state. (

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Also made this chart of cheap doodles! It's now confirmed that I'm not going to be getting any monetary support from the government so I'm fully relying on commissions now :( anyway abolish capitalism since they clearly don't care lol ❤️✨

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abolish states and replace them with this.

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Remember being told that you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other? "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity...for to make in himself of TWO, ONE new man so making peace" We ARE the tree of the knowledge of good & evil. YouTube

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When Khaldun and Honerva first met, they actually despised each other. Through circumstances, they were forced to marry each other. After falling for each other pretty hard, they abolished slavery, were accused of parricida, cleared their names and, of course, saved the world.

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abolish pink amiright? 💜

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It takes actual communist action to abolish actual private property (

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Abolish the police.
Black lives matter.
No human being is illegal.
The gay wrath is scheduled to continue indefinitely.

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There is still SO much that needs to be done. Black communities, trans womxn, BIPOC, international students, immigrants are in danger. We can’t stop until every single person feels safe & secure, and until families are brought back together.

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CW military violence, the state of things. Writing to get this out of my system, but also hopefully to reemphasize the importance of fighting for freedoms.
TLDR Black Lives Matter, abolish ICE, defund the police, be yourself, VOTE and also help make sure other people can VOTE

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Trump kills America everyway:
-CoV malpractice
-Abolish Obamacare
-Trash sci,CDC,WHO
-Rig judicial sys,OIGs
-Ruin diplomacy
-Ripoff Tax sys,Bailout
-Trash mainmedia
-Wreck ed sys
-Corrupt religions
-Rollbk EPA laws
-Divide US
-Destroy voting
Can we survive this term?

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192 & 163 years old paintings of ruins of Somnath temple built by king Kumarpal in 1169 AD. It was ruined by the army of Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji (he never visited Gujarat in his lifetime) in 1300 AD. It was abolished to build the present new temple in place of it in 1950.

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Abolish private prisons. Prisons have quotas with states, prisons need slaves, states don’t fill prison beds they charge the state...what do you think that means for police? And guess who gets longer sentences?... wider nose, thicker lips, darker skin.

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because fuck capitalism, time to abolish it

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