Drew Spyware in Krita, still need more practice!

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//half naked body
Just practice 👌

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Liek doesn’t even think of Skip as “his boss” they’d literally die for each other 🥺💕

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The best part about having characters is making you feel represented in things you feel invalid for 😔

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1/2 Someone 👀 (ahembeanahem) talked me into drawing out my weird dream. With that said, I don’t really want to count this as canon, simple because this would open up an au where Liek has this ability or something? 🤔

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there should be a national holiday we celebrate where we hate on skip

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It's been a while since I posted some art, so here is Mike vs Spyware!

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he would wear this if they had the confidence to but unfortunately he does not have that luxury

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Was looking through my folders and forgot that I drew this the other day??
Another MS paint doodle

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