Caireli, no binario. Aunque prefiere los pronombres neutros, no Le importan mucho ni los masculinos ni los femeninos. Es la mano derecha de Dívero, la líder de su Orden. Suele ser a primera vista muy distante pero con confianza puede ser muy dulce y cariñose.

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Kairel and apricots
Long story
Each time repeats

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16SIMもあるファンタジーフェアの周り方。まず開催期間が4/18から5/5(SLT)までといつもより長いので気長にいきましょう。まずFairelands Junctionに行きます。ここは各SIMへのゲートがあります。SIMの風景が表示されているので、心惹かれるSIMから行ってみましょう。

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Aaaand here’s rain!
The last of my characters with art at the moment

-lives in a hole
-happy go lucky
-will shock you

First pic by @/CorelleVairel ❤️

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Sä myös näytät kovin paljon Clairelta 😱❤ Plis spämmää lisää!

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Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Revelation 1:3

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Trying out a new colour and new paper, was kind enough to permit me to work from her image.This is paynes Gray watercolour,200lb bockingford paper.20 x 28cm.#irishart

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This is a more book accurate Rielle (the other one was just an outfit I would put her in). Anyway I finished Furyborn by last night and it was so good!! .

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super casually recycling old ocs. fairell (the purple one) and nisk (the fluffy one) space adventurers

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We took to the worlds largest Minecraft convention! He wore his cardboard head and everything. We wrote up a blog on our experience here:

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Fantasy fair2018始まりました!各SIMへのポータルFairelands Junctionはこちらです!

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Stream hoy junto con Lord Phairel dibujando en tradicional! Después de las 9PM hora México.

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“Ideas are easy. It's the execution of ideas that really separates the sheep from the goats.”
― Sue Grafton

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