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Flipette et Vénère, entre passivité et militantisme @DelcourtBD https://t.co/nG50wyi4OA
Une petite illustration pour la Saint Valentin. Draw (l'OC du dessin) adore ces événements où le romantisme est à l'honneur !
Bref, des bisous et aimez vous et vos proches ✨
"[...] When it finally occurs to him to look up, he’s met with the sight of Akira perched on a rooftop, grinning in the darkness. “First rule of vigilantism: use the element of surprise.”
for @fauxghosts, from her leakira fic 'are you ready for it?'
Bringing this AOSTH quote back with modern Sonic because of a new trend started here of smoking Sonic :) Fellas, please don't consume drugs, I know people with their lives ruined by them. #SonicTheHedgehog #antismokingsonic
Has anyone read "The Real Antismoking Campaign"?Jace, Woong and some other BNC members guested in this manga! A detail that moves me. Jace secretly joined the non-smoking camp.
Quitting isn't easy. Withdrawl symptoms are likely. But he wanted to quit without letting Vasco know.
he grace
he pose
he... might be a size too big
Proper fannart of the adorable llama boi.
Character belongs to @braeburned from his fantismo comic 609!
@Cpt_Cass Vigilantism is lonely work, especially when you got a bounty of your own to worry about
Quand le #médiéval se mélange à l'Amérique à la fin du XIXe, cela donne : "Un Yankee à la cour du roi Arthur", de l'écrivain Mark Twain.
Bien après "Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer", cette satire critique le romantisme médiéval de son époque et notamment les romans de Walter Scott.
@EcoleEmileCohl @AsoboStudio Pour rappel, la direction artistique portée par Olivier Ponsonnet se nourrit fortement du romantisme pictural, autant qu’il puise ses références dans le patrimoine bordelais riche en places fortifiées datant du 14ème siècle pour tisser son ambiance. - https://t.co/4ZS9acXfK8
@BelgianBoolean @AbiStevens_Art Thank you for sharing o/
My style is a bastard of 1930 surrealism and 2019 vector art dilettantism. I like bright colors telling me terrible things.
Favorite subjects to draw center timeless topics such as power, money, science, death, love and fried chicken.
IG: @madeby_ari
Paul Cézanne (1839 - 22 octobre 1906), peintre français.
Ami de Zola, il sera malgré tout un artiste isolé. Entre romantisme et réalisme, influence de l'impressionnisme et de la période constructive... le chemin sera long pour se faire (re)connaître #Art
"i'm prettttty sure she's a giant squirrel already. so is this just were-gigantism? were-squirrel 2?"
ko-fi comm: @BustedConscious (thank you!)
They’ll also have with them copies of “Stinger”, a comic about a fear of wasps & easing anxieties, and “Nasty Girls (Volume 1)”, the story of a rock band and their brush with vigilantism! 💥
Esse é o segundo #DrawThisInYourStyle da @gorchart que faço! Gosto de sutilezas e romantismos, mas confesso ter uma quedinha por esses personagens um pouco mais dark side também 🖤 #87gorchart ★ ★ ★
+ em https://t.co/mIRhkA1YOs
#VisibleWomen #wacomart #illustration #digitalart
Titles by Johannes Hus (cca 1361-1415), a Czech theologican, an inspirer of Hussitism and a key predecessor to Protestantism are in many forms in our historical collections. This Quadragesimale (#NationalLibraryCZ V E 19) was written in the first half of 15th century in Bohemia.
Œuvre 228/365
Ivan Aïvazovski
Le romantisme et la nuit planant au dessus de l'océan provoquent un sentiment reposant où l'astre lunaire éclaire d'une calme lumière ces scènes remplies d'une fulgurante plénitude.