I'm not sure if I'll shade this but either way it's cute! This counts as the first Art I make of her too ^^ and I'm happy with it 💙💚💜

Art and character belong to me
Species belongs Teaparties on FA

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Gift art for Nicholas Fletcher on FB!

Art by me
Character belongs to Nicholas Fletcher

4 10

Finished this today. I'm not as happy as I thought I would be with it. But it's still nice.

Art and Fursona by me

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WIP on current commission. Still need soft shading and highlights ^^

Art by me
Character belongs to Kyle Ball on FB

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My next two commissions! The second one is still missing stuff so it's not done ^^

Art by me
Characters belong to

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I thought I posted this XD but yeah! I colored it in! I don't have a lot of stuff to post since I was working on comms lol

Art by me
Torvin belongs to
Neptune belongs to me

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Instead of sitting in a corner and feeling like a drunk mess...I decided to finish up this commission today. I don't usually finish full shaded commissions in a day but here it is...

Art by me
Character belongs to Katelyn Bennett

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Decided to make this during my break. Pixel stuff is fun! I want to offer comms like this soon uwu

Art and character belong to me

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