Botanical illustration and the park: Wild flowers of Nova Scotia, by Maria E Miller and Titus Smith, 1840-1853, BHL/Uni Toronto.....

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Birds of the park: Foreign finches in captivity, by AG Butler, illustrated by FW Frohawk, 1889, BHL/Uni California..........

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Birds of the park: The natural history of British birds, or, A selection of the most rare, beautiful and interesting birds ... the descriptions from the Systema naturae of E Donovan, 1784-1819, BHL/Smithsonian

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Bird illustration and the park: Aves de rapiña y su caza, by duque de Medinaceli.......1918, BHL/Smithsonian ....

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Bird illustration and the park: Humming birds, by Mary and Elizabeth Kirby......1874, BHL/Smithsonian .........

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Speech and the park: Shell Song is an audio & text game about ghosts, bodies, and corporate deep-fake technologies.......very cool site........ (Images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Illustrations of Himalayan plants :chiefly selected from drawings made for the late J.F. Cathcart, of the Bengal Civil Service, by JD Hooker et al....1855, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden ....

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Natural history illustration and the park: Säugethiere vom Celebes- und Philippinen-Archipel A B Meyer, 1896-99....BHL/Smithsonian ....

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Bird illustration and the park: Die Naturgeschichte in getreuen Abbildungen und mit ausführlicher Beschreibung derselben. Vögel...... by CAA Buhle, 1835....BHL/FMNHL....

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Plants and the park: What plant is that? Tests of automated image recognition apps for plant identification on plants from the British flora .........𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘦...... (Images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Chase fruit and flowers in natural colors, By Chase brothers company, Rochester, N.Y.......1922, BHL/Congress.....

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Natural history illustration and the park: Illustrated natural history of the three kingdoms : containing scientific and popular descriptions of man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, insects, by AB Strong, 1848, BHL/UCL....

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Natural history and the park: Wild scenes and song-birds, by C Webber et al, 1854, BHL/Smithsonian .....

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Birds in the park: Stories about birds of land and water, by Mary and Elizabeth Kirby, 1874, BHL/AMNH....

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Audubon and the park: In the days of Audubon : a tale of the "protector of birds," with an appendix on the formation of Audubon societies, by H Butterworth, 1901, BHL/Uni California......

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Natural history and the park: Bilderbuch für Kinder : enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren, Pflanzen, Blumen, Früchten, FJ & C Bertuch, 1789-1830, BHL/Smithsonian.......3 vols.....

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Birds in the park: British ornithology : being the history with a coloured representation of every known species of British birds, by George Graves, et al.......2 vols, 1811-1821, BHL/Smithsonian ......

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Trees of the park, and elsewhere: The woodland companion: or, A brief description of British trees. With some account of their uses. Illustrated by plates...... by J Aikin, 1802, BHL/Uni California.......

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Natural history and the park: A woman tenderfoot, by Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson, 1901, BHL/University of Toronto,

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Birds in the park: Precise cache detection by olfaction in a scatter-hoarder bird.........the role of smell in finding buried seeds...... (Images: BHL)

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