【MTG】Twitch 生放送 BIG MAGIC LIVE BIGs 藤本岳大「はまち式○○攻略」の放送を開始しました!! 今回は『基本セット2020』リミテッド&M20・『モダンホライゾン』を開封します!!

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【MTG】間もなく19時からTwitchにて生放送 BIG MAGIC LIVE BIGs 藤本岳大「はまち式○○攻略」を放送します!! 今回は『基本セット2020』リミテッド&M20・『モダンホライゾン』を開封します!!

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【MTG】本日7月30日(火)19時からTwitchにて生放送 BIG MAGIC LIVE BIGs 藤本岳大「はまち式○○攻略」を放送します!! 今回は『基本セット2020』リミテッド&M20・『モダンホライゾン』を開封します!!

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Thank you guys so much for all the love on the streams lately. You truly are my heroes. Bigs up to all the raiders as well. Your love is always kept within me. I will see you guys monday for ascension RP! You're all wonderful. Goodnight <3 And remember! We are all UNITED AS ONE!

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Ara ara... look at all the tiny cuties following me.... I do wish I had more specs and fellow bigs to play with... if your lucky I may just shrink for you~

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what an absolute unit, always ready to roll !

well, the time is finally at hand and if you want her to get the "bigs" you know what to do~

and here's the KO-FI link for those with little patience:

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This looks like a really fun looking from

Bigs And Tiny

Bang Bang!!! Not your average Heroes... Two unsuspecting guys vs a dangerous criminal underworld.

71 hours left.


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Only on Bigs and Tiny https://t.co/4TzDeIe9fd
There are some great rewards including I.T. issues and trades.

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We are excited to announce our new title BIGS and TINY on Kickstarter!

This Super comedic duo will make you laugh and entertain you with tons of action!

KICKSTARTER begins Thursday, April 11, 12 EST

Check out all the cool rewards!

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I do a check now and then to see if the folk I are me, too. I think it's fair that way.

I just want to say hi to all of you good, fair Bigs!

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【MTG】Twitch BIGs 藤本岳大選手の冠番組「はまち式○○攻略」の放送を開始しました!! 今回はモダン、リーグ5-0した「マルドゥ」とたぶん人生初回しの前回MMM優勝デッキ「ライブラリアウト」をプレイします!!

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Can I just how adorable Snow Leopards are?!! Big cats that are short but so powerful ❄️

Any other bigs cat I should do?? 🤔

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【MTG】間もなく18時からTwitchにてBIGs 藤本岳大選手の冠番組「はまち式○○攻略」を放送!! 今回はRPTQ直前「赤単走り込み放送」です。#BMLive

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