“that's what i mean about cats. they're always trying to make fools of us humans.”- Lilian Jackson Braun
Art: Siamese Pals by Michele Angel

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“The man who will not defend the honour of his cat cannot be trusted to defend anything.” - Robert Lynd
Art: Henry in shunshine by Pat Burns

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“I always imagined that cats were the Paris Hiltons of the pet world: They didn't quite deserve all the attention but they got it anyway.” - Sarah Andersen
Art: Cat in backlight by Anna Brigitta Kovacs

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“A cat is basically a great egomaniac who keeps the human company as long as it pleases itself.” - M.Z.Riffi
Art:Callie by Cheryl Bannister

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“It is easy to make plans in this world; even a cat can do it; and when one is out in those remote oceans it is noticeable that a cat's plans and a man's are worth about the same.” - Mark Twain
Art: Black cat by Anna Marinova

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“Cats are absolute individuals, with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own.” - John Dingman
Art: You are mine by Dora Hathazi Mendes

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“That weekend my people brought home a big eared gray scrawny kit.
He was so loud and annoying that I did not like him one bit.”
- Melinda K. Trotter
Art: El Gato by Billie Colson

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“Cat herding is simple. Just drag a string behind you.” - Aaron Dennis
Art: Pandora the cat playing with string by Sandy Lindblad

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“The cats sleep for days at a time and make love from the first star until dawn. Their pleasures are fierce, and their sleep impenetrable. And they know that the body has a soul in which the soul has no part.” - Albert Camus
Art: Frick & Frack by Tracie Thompson

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“Cats like keyboards, people like to explore and to discover new mysteries.” - Deyth Banger
Art: Two black cats by Michael Creese

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“Cats speak the language of comfort and coolness and therefore we feel comfortable and cool whenever we see a cat!” - Mehmet Murat ildan
Art: The nap by Lucie Bilodeau

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“Rowl felt sure that Bridget's fragile feelings would be crushed if he denied her the pleasure of sharing her meat with him.” - Jim Butcher
Art: Mesmer eyes by Sarah Batalka

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“A cat can make you feel well rested when you're tired or turn a rage into a calm just by sitting on your lap. His very nearness is a healing song.” - Shannon Hale,
Art: Bob Cat by Terri M. Hanson

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“The more cats you have, the longer you live. If you have a hundred cats, you’ll live ten times longer than if you have ten. Someday this will be discovered, and people will have a thousand cats and live forever.”
- Charles Bukowski
Art by Sherry Daerr

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“Backpackers can pack much more meows than baggers. Beggars never feed stray cats as street cats are self-sustaining.”- Will Advise
Art: Will you feed me by Mimi Boothby

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“If we all learnt cat-speak, we would often find they are saying, “You stupid human, I am trying to tell you something important right now!” - Leah Broadby
Art by Diane Irvine Armitage

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“Some cats are angry at being called cats. To achieve peace with them, never call them by their real name” - Bangambiki Habyarimana
Art: Wild kitten by Svetlana Matevosyan

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“From birds she learned how to sing; from cats she learned a form of dangerous independence.”- Salman Rushdie
Art: Iris by Natalie Holland

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“Once you take the cat out of the bag, you can't cram it back in.” - Jen Calonita
Art: Cat out of the bag by Rachel Armington

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“The three months I'd spend with Eddie had taught me many things, and the top two items were (1) A Cat's Purr Makes Everything Okay and (2) The Cat Always Wins.”- Laurie Cass
Art: Ginger cat by Maria Ermilova

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