Trying to apply some stuffs learned in class... not quite there yet! At least now I see what can be improved in term of lighting/shadow. Will try to make that drawing evolve...

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Last day of - still time to come to the booth in Eureka Park to see our latest innovations: Pixcurve curved image sensor fpr and Sigma Cells smart battery for

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Only 6 more days until still time to make an apt to see our exciting demos - Pixcurve & Sigma Cells - our latest technological innovations for the , & future mobility markets, booth in Eureka Park

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also proceate video function makes me realize of how often i undo (not pictured) LOL but these are fun to watch!!!

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"Saboteur" - Pete Jones (Acrylic on canvas). Poetic to see enduring a "hostile environment" today bearing in mind what she has ceated for others

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Did you know your sketches can be inserted into the AR Makr App. And because they export as png files they look awesome! Give it a try! Everything done on an iPad.

31 104

CEATEC明けのナイセン、出遅れましたがビックカメラ宣伝隊になりま…なん・だっ・テーッ!\( 'ω')/ウオオオオオアアアーーーッ!


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CEATEC JAPAN 2018無事終わりマシタ!

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pocket proceateで!

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There’s a new symmetry feature in proceate 😍

8 24

Late afternoon in off the before leaving the 9-5

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Ice cube (2014)
Pixel ice cube (2017)

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Pimax 8Kの体験をしにCEATECに来ましたが残念ながら不調らしく体験できず。営業さん曰く年内には量産体制を確保したいとのことですがどうなることやら。ちなみにナックルコントローラもありました。

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アスカネット 中空に映像が浮かぶ「AIプレート」量産化に成功 「CEATEC2017」で展示

6 8

ブログ更新しました! : アルプス電気の"ハプテッィクトリガー"体験 - CEATEC 2016

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