we barely look related

sometimes my dad and I have really nice chats...

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Hello! Searching for picture book authors to be part of our 'picture book' book club twitter chats. Can I send u some info! :)

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Si Pokémon avait été crée par un fan de chats... (par Michelle Scribbles)

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Demande de ma grande cousine qui adore les chats.

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An illustration for an article about women who share their Whatsapp chats. (Katinka Reinke)

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Pensée Magik : "Evitons de programmer les chats..." https://t.co/YjyEhzwivv

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Imaginez les héros de avec des chats... ça donnerait ceci https://t.co/R9PIclcTyU

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When I'm feeling lousy I imagine Mr Saturn taking me aside and having one of his encouraging coffee chats.

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What a gorgeous evening. Lots of art bought, money raised for a good cause & some excellent chats. Also we ate these

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Wth is going on with my apps.. Fb page keep crashing, whatsapp keeps on crashing.. Delay snapchats.. Oh well

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