Hey guys! I'm Opening for 1 or 2 CHARACTER ILLUSTRATION SLOTS! Email me at chukazoostudio.com if interested! clean lines, $50.

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Hi I'm Chuka.E.O. I love to draw and animate. I'm currently studying animation at university and I'm in second year.

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The Chukar Partridge from today's Earlybird Session . View more http://t.co/7Z1esp80VD

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【Wiki Chuka】毛豆腐[máo dòu fǔ]安徽省南部、黄山市周辺の伝統食品で、表面がふわふわとしたした白い毛カビで覆われた豆腐。発酵させることで複雑な旨みを醸し出す。

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Your Birthday Fanart from my friend so kaWaii :D Sengil Chukahamnida ;-)

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80C流・中華用語辞典「Wiki Chuka」。今回は、クレオパトラ(克娄巴特拉)も愛飲してい​たという「ハイビスカス・ティー(洛神花茶)」。 http://t.co/hOxavpCe

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