Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

5 15

. 『踊ってない夜を知らない』
(I don't know a night that I haven't danced.)

0 1

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 1

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 0

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 0

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 0

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

2 2

Too Much Power

She belly danced so hard she became immobile.

18 126

It’s National Dance Day! Whether it’s your inner chorus girl, the Charleston, flamenco, or an elegant Japanese fan dance, be sure to bust out some dances moves today! Get inspiration from art in the

2 6

Today is National Gymnastics Day! (and also National Dance Day)

So use this day to get your groove on or attempt a cartwheel!

2 10

For Mexican Independence Day, here’s Big Man.
Credit: @/teeth_in_milk from TikTok

0 7

I am the lotus that blossomed in the swamp of time and saw stillness and Darkness From the Swamp But danced at reclusion of Swamp .

0 0

The Postcard
1920 × 1200
Inspired by ABBA's song 'WHEN YOU DANCED WITH ME'.

1 13

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

3 4

David danced before the Lord with all his might

1 7

remember when danceracha danced to wow with roses !!!

51 337

if you've ever danced, have you ever felt like you were flying?

1 4

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 3

Posted this earlier on Patreon,
A Raving Night featuring and and what a great night that was during furrydelphia. We danced on the stage and then just met up afterwards for more good vibes and fun.

4 17